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A visit to Sierra Nevada, Spain

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During the first week of October, our guides Nuno and Teresa (togheter with their daughters Bé and Flor) decided to explore the hidden treasure of Mulhacén (3,478 m - 11,413 ft).


Mulhacén is the highest mountain in continental Spain and in the Iberian Peninsula. It is part of the Sierra Nevada range in the Cordillera Penibética. It is named after Abu l-Hasan Ali, or Muley Hacén as he is known in Spanish, the penultimate Muslim King of Granada in the 15th century who, according to legend, was buried on the summit of the mountain.

Mulhacén is the highest peak in Europe outside the Caucasus Mountains and the Alps. It is also the third most topographically prominent peak in Western Europe, after Mont Blanc and Mount Etna, and is ranked 64th in the world by prominence.


Here is their story:


The decision to go was takken 2 days before the departure..

After a quick visit to our favourite mountain shop to buy a couple of gas cannisters, a substitute trekking pole and some other stuff we took off to the Spanish mountain that we wanted to explore for some time now.

After a long over night drive (aprox 9h) we reached Trevélez that is one of the two villages from where you can reach Mulhacén. There we rested for a day in Camping Trevélez.

During the preparation for the "expedition" we read that from Trevélez the mountain refuge of Poqueira was closer but the trail steeper. We decided to try it the day after.

Carrying Bé, Flor, some food and shelter the aproach from Trevélez prooved to be to hard so we decided to try again this time from Capileira.

Bé and Flor

After a well rested day in the lovelly village of Capileira we went for the summit again.

This time lighter, we took the 8,5km long approach to Poqueira. It was long but beautifull.

There were horses and an amazing landscape on the way to the mountain refuge of Poqueira (2500m).

horses trail Be

From the Poqueira refuge we could see to the south as far as Maroco and the ferries traveling back and forward.

After a well slept night at 2500m we decided to reach for the summit.

Unfortunatly Flor was not feeling very well so we only cllimbed to 2900m and headed back down to Capileira.


It was an amazing experience that we recomend to everyone!

Sierra Nevada is an awsome place for family adventures and for more serius fun in winter.

Join our guides in these magic mountain.

the family

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